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Fast, continuous, profiling enables rapidly-evolving small-scale phenomena to be monitored on climatological time scales.
Wave-energy from the surface is transformed to vehicle motion; on-board batteries are used exclusively to power integrated instrumentation.
Sensor suites are easily tailored to meet your application needs; achievable though a modular design and simple ballasting.
The Wirewalker is a vertically profiling instrumentation-platform, powered by ocean waves. Through the Wirewalker’s rapid profiling and ability to integrate a wide variety of sensor payloads, it brings new life to typical one-dimensional sensor time-series as a 2-D depth-time image where an enormous increase in information and intuition is achieved.
The Wirewalker is a robust mechanical system, requiring no electronics or battery power for propulsion. Any on-board power is exclusively used to extend the duration of the integrated sensing payload.
Deployments range from open-ocean free-drifting stations to inner-shelf moorings. With a target buoyant ascent rate of about 0.5 m/s, typical round trip profiling rates average about 10 m/min; that’s more than 100,000 m profiled per week!
From the Southern Ocean to Lake Superior, the Wirewalker has proven to be a global workhorse. Get inspired by learning how others have used their Wirewalkers.
The Wirewalker excels at capturing an accurate view of the upper ocean. Profiling ranges up to 500m deep are commonplace; however, 1000m deep profiles are possible with the right instrumentation and high density buoyancy.
Over the past decade on deployments around the globe, Wirewalkers have made hundreds of thousands of profiles, spanning tens of thousands of kilometers in vertical distance; all powered by surface waves!
Following years of development and field testing, the Wirewalker is now produced commercially by DMO under exclusive license from the University of California. The Wirewalker is a beneficiary of the Technology Transfer Programs of NSF, ONR and UCSD.
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